Current Events

Reduce The World Population By ~7 Billion

Remember when we were told about reporting a massive reduction in population in 2025 — and then when that information began circulating, it mysteriously disappeared? (The Wayback Machine DOES still have it, however, so contrary to the claim, it is NOT a conspiracy theory).

Well, now this: “The CIA, DOD and Rockefeller Confirmed as Architects of 2025 Depopulation Forecast

It is also pretty well known that the CIA (and others in our rogue government) were part of Covid research (and most likely Covid‘s release) as well. Put 2 and 2 together and it’s rather easy to see (for normal, thinking people) that Covid was a plan, or at least a forerunner of a plan, to reduce the world’s population drastically just as the climate whores tell you must be done in order to survive.

While it’s a lengthy piece, take the time to read and digest what has been found out. You may want to sit down while doing so as it’s quite alarming . . .

About JHrusky

I was raised in a two-parent functional nuclear family style home and have learned to work hard to get ahead in life. I started my first business at the age of 12 mowing lawns in my neighborhood. At age 14, I worked summers as a bricklayer's laborer and weekends as a machine shop janitor. I have come to enjoy politics but have grave concerns for our country and how it is changing, going deeper and deeper into debt and, frankly, becoming as ridiculous and downright 'evil' as it possibly could with the 'cancel culture' and 'woke' minority of very vocal people. I also worry about people who willfully want to believe every sound bite their party puts out instead of fact-checking for the truth. Politics has become a very vicious 'game' in which there are virtually no rules and no limits anymore. It is time to set the record straight pertaining to ALL sides of the aisle. Thus, NewsWhores was born. Come watch us grow.


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