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The Whores Of Politics

“Nadler takes in a substantial amount of money from the tech giants he was defending. His top donor in 2017 was Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google and YouTube.” Of course these cretins are going to support those who give them boatloads of money! These democrats are nothing but political whores. The only difference … Continue reading

The Climate Whores Will Double Down

What’s next on the agenda for the climate whores to roll out? Snowball Earth? Wait, they’d done that one already. But, alas, never fret — they’ll come up with something new to call it so they can try and pimp more support for carbon taxes and an exchange to fleece the middle class and poor … Continue reading

Kahn A Divider, Not A Uniter

What a piece of crap this mayor is. Instead of urging people to protest the President’s visit, Kahn should be working and urging others to find ways to work together and come to some agreements. That’s what REAL leaders do. What Kahn is doing is simply pushing the divide envelope, causing more hatred — pretty … Continue reading

Sodomerica and Gomorrahfornia

I sympathize with students who this shooting has bothered greatly. I really do. However, what are we teaching them? What are they going to do in life when something bad or even devastating happens? You cannot just shut down and refuse to push onward. You have to learn to deal with problems because they WILL … Continue reading

Let’s Pimp Out The Weather

“It predicted that the impact will be up to 45 per cent less intense than is widely accepted.” Translation: we do not have a clue, but this is our best guess currently since the calamity and devastating disasters we predicted in the past haven’t come to pass and we still have to find a way … Continue reading

Make Judges Responsible And Liable

And again, we see the real problem with crime — BLEEDING HEART LEFTISTS who allow these pieces of crap to be out on the street. 98 prior convictions and this vermin was allowed to roam about free? Why? Now 6 children have no living father. We need to start making judges responsible and liable for … Continue reading

You May Have ‘Nothing to Hide’ But You Still Have Something to Fear

I cannot understand how anyone in their right mind would want ‘Big Brother’ in the sky watching and scrutinizing their every move. I know, I know, there will be the purely ignorant who will counter with “Well, if you’re not doing anything illegal you shouldn’t worry about it”. Ignorant response, yes, but some people actually … Continue reading

We Demand Compliance!

Take note: this is what government run health care culminates into. It’s not really about health care — it’s about controlling you. When they can dictate who lives and who dies, they win. Per information available, there is a waiting jet on the tarmac in Britain to take this little boy to Italy and give … Continue reading

Don’t You Just Love Paying More Taxes?

So, you want to vote for some democrat during the midterms? You do know they want to raise taxes, right? They will tell you it’s on the so-called “rich”, but they are proposing tax hikes on business as well — and you do understand that business will pass those taxes onto you, the consumer, effectively … Continue reading

Destroy Her At Any Cost

The level of stupidity in our country by the leftists never ceases to amaze me . . . then again, this is not about stupidity — this is about allowing the heavily indoctrinated to finalize the destruction of America. Don’t believe these kids are indoctrinated? Pick up a school book on history and civics and … Continue reading